Blinebury Design

Posts Tagged ‘education’

Saint Basil Academy

Posted on: October 3rd, 2015 by Beth Blinebury

high school custom website design


Project Overview

Saint Basil Academy is a college preparatory high school for young women located in Jenkintown, just outside of Philadelphia. The school’s previous website was outdated and they needed a new, modern website to highlight their strong academic curriculum, extensive athletic program and varied extracurricular activities. The new website fulfills several goals, including attracting potential students (and their parents) to choose SBA and serving as a digital presence for the thousands of SBA alumnae who continue to connect with and support the school.


school website marketing portals


Website Evaluation

Before thinking about aesthetics, we began by creating a site map (a visual chart of all the pages that will be included) of the existing website. From there, we reorganized the site content and added new features, like daily announcements and alumnae news identified in the scope of work for the project. As with all of our projects, the site map evaluation process is essential as the final site map functions as a guide for us to create an initial design concept.




Color Coding for Design & Functionality

During our research and design process, we identified seven primary content areas of the SBA website: About, Admissions, Academics, Student Life, Athletics, Alumnae, and Giving. Each section is a wealth of information specific to the topic area, so we chose to color-code each section. From a functionality standpoint, users can easily identify that they are browsing within one topic area or moving onto another topic. This choice also allowed us to add a playful, visual element to the overall website design. The design primarily relies on the school’s classic colors of blue and gold. The bright, additional colors function as link colors, backgrounds, and heading colors for each section.


school news and events slider


Custom Icons for Academics, Sports & Clubs

The new Saint Basil Academy website features a variety of icons for use on blog posts and daily announcements. While the default icon is the paw print of the school’s panther mascot, over 50 unique icons were created to customize posts for various academic, student life and athletic areas. This design feature allows the school to provide a better user experience for its students, alumnae and community.

Personalized WordPress Training

The SBA website includes a ton of custom development; on the homepage, we created a space for curated news and events. The school’s webmaster can easily update and manage this content by adding new photos, customizing headlines, and creating eye-catching buttons to guide visitors to explore more content. Blinebury Design provided several in-person training sessions and custom video tutorials (like this sample tutorial).

school faculty bio profile

school wordpress sample page

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We have seen an increase in potential students, parents and alumnae viewing our website. Our new website sets us apart from others. Our overall experience with Blinebury Design was great!

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  • Website design and development
  • Responsive layout
  • Custom daily announcements system with unique iconography
  • In-depth faculty and staff directory with course assignments
  • Interactive contact forms for information requests, alumnae news updates, and prayer requests

Exceptional Connections

Posted on: October 8th, 2014 by Beth Blinebury

custom website design


Project Overview

Exceptional Connections provides behavioral and educational consulting services in the home and the classroom. The co-founders, Michele Slowik and Laura Jastrzebski, work with children with Autism, ADD, ADHD, and other developmental delays. They work with families directly, teaching them the necessary skills to eliminate problem behavior.

Exceptional Connections logo



Logo Design Outside the Box

Our goal with the branding for Exceptional Connections was to utilize a well-known symbol for Autism in a way that was not corny or overworked. The result is a series of puzzle pieces in alternating colors coming together in a semi-circle to create the silhouette of a child’s face.

We experimented with a variety of graphic shapes when we started working on the branding for Exceptional Connections. We were looking at a lot of 1960s-1970s scientific journals for inspiration (Andy is amassing the Time-Life Science Library; it’s one of his biggest graphic design inspirations), and decided to utilize the silhouette of a child’s face. Two original silhouettes were created using photographs of co-founder Michele’s sons. Inverting the silhouette into the negative space allows the surrounding shapes to come together to form the face. For the semi-circle shape we shifted from gears in the sketching stages to the puzzle piece, a well-known symbol for Autism. The result is a series of puzzle pieces in bright teal and gold that come together to create the silhouette. Simple and straightforward, yet intricate and precise.


Responsive Website Design iPhone


Custom Puzzle Homepage

The design of the Exceptional Connections website is intentionally minimal. Based upon Laura and Michele’s needs and resources, we decided to forgo a photo-heavy look and focus on the puzzle shape itself. The homepage features a six-panel design in which the puzzle pieces connect from one panel to another. The pieces change size and placement as the website is scaled down from desktop view to tablet and then finally to mobile without losing the overall design concept.

The fully responsive layout is completed with some subtle animation additions focused on the logo and main menu. The default page template features an alternating teal and gold panel look that can be customized by the client through the WordPress dashboard.

Custom WordPress Website Design

Why Custom?

The Exceptional Connections website is a great example of custom website design that could not be duplicated by a template. While there are many reasonable DIY options out there, a template will never be designed for the content of a specific website.

[/content] [testimonial attribute=”Michele Slowik, Exceptional Connections” image=””]

Our logo grabs people and consumers can quickly decipher what we do from the look of the design. Clients really like that our logo is meaningful!

[/testimonial] [content]


  • Branding design
  • Collateral print design
  • Website design and development
  • Responsive layout