Personal Project

This website was launched in late March 2020 as a response to the global COVID pandemic as a small effort to provide people with an outlet to share what they are feeling during these surreal and uncertain times

2020feels.com was featured as a Communication Arts’ WEBPick of the day on April 29th, 2020.

Core functionality
Users have two options when visiting the site: to share what they are feeling and how they want to feel. These two options were chosen very intentionally to highlight that what we are feeling now can and will change. We can cope with this crisis.
Color strategy
Each feeling is color coded depending on the words or phrases present in a user’s submission. For example, the word safe triggers shades of orange while the word frustrated triggers shades of fuchsia. The list of trigger words that control the color display has been updated several times as users have added their feelings to the website. The strategy behind the color coding was to reaffirm that we are connected by our shared experience and response to this unique crisis we are all dealing with.
Within the first 48 hours of the project being live, the two terms that stuck out initially were anxiety and control: users expressed that they were feeling anxious and wanted to feel in control. These types of feelings are honestly no surprise, but it was interesting to see how often people used these words.