Blinebury Design

Posts Tagged ‘non-profit organization’

Big Brothers Big Sisters

Posted on: December 23rd, 2015 by Beth Blinebury

big brothers big sisters website


Project Overview

Big Brothers Big Sisters Southeastern Pennsylvania celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2015. For one hundred years, this amazing organization has made huge strides to make a positive impact on the lives of children in the Philadelphia area and beyond. BBBS teamed with Blinebury Design to create a microsite to celebrate their 100th anniversary and their “Make it Big” campaign.

Big Impact Microsite

In conjunction with a year-long media plan for their “Make it Big” campaign, BBBS needed a custom microsite to highlight features of the campaign. Specifically, the microsite’s main goal is to solicit donations and new volunteers. With first person stories from Bigs about their relationships with their Littles, the site is chock full of reasons to donate your time and your money.


full photo website grid


website mission page

big brothers big sisters

Custom WordPress Solution

The “Make it Big” microsite was designed and developed for WordPress with a ton of customizable features. Utilizing WordPress for the microsite’s content management system allowed the marketing team at BBBS to easily add and edit content as needed.


big brothers big sisters web



  • Website design and development
  • Responsive layout